
第24章 哇塞,你看那個小姐姐好漂亮哦!

作者:雲緲2字數:2514更新時間:2024-04-05 05:32:36
我又看向程僤鑾,問道:“我要去接Vaney你是跟我一起去還是回家?” 程僤鑾想了想,說:“和你一起去。” 我點點頭,走上車。 20分鍾後,車子停在了RM公司門口。 我打開車門,下了車,對著程僤鑾說:“阿鑾,你在車上等著,我去去就回。” 程僤鑾乖巧的點了點頭。 我提著給Vaney買的奶茶,大步走進公司。 此時正是晚上下班的高峰期,來來往往的都是下班的人,看到我紛紛回頭看向我。 在走路的一個女孩和她身邊的女孩子說:“哇塞,你看那個小姐姐好漂亮哦!” 她旁邊的女孩子點點頭表示讚同。 我聽到這個聲音,微微偏頭看向他們兩個。 兩個女孩子看到我看著他們,又說:“哇,你看那個小姐姐看我們了耶。” 我將頭轉了過來,繼續向前走著。 走進RM後,我又去了攝影棚。 Vaney一看到我,就喊道:“W, there you are. Did you bring the milk tea?” "Yes, the same, your favorite jasmine milk green. ” "W, you really know me best." "Well, how about shoot? Where is my fourth brother? " "I went to see the film." "Well, good." “W,Before I came to A city, you promised to take me to A city, You must keep your word.” "Goodgood.Keepyourword." "female。" 這時,又有人打開門走了進來。 我和Vaney聽到聲響,回過頭看了一眼。 “慕慕,你來了。” “四哥。” “"When shall we sign the contract?" "When the contract is ready, just call me and weu0027ll leave a contact information." "Well, what is your favorite endorsement fee this time?" "No, no, you are the fourth brother of Mu Mu, so you are my fourth brother, so there is no need for this endorsement fee. Besides, my coming to A city this time is not only for your endorsement, but also because of Mu Mu, and Mu Mu will take me around recently. This is my endorsement fee. 。”
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